About Me

Behind the Designer..!!
Tejas Patel

I graduated from UCA with a degree in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) and completed my thesis on “Advertisement in Drinking Fruit” and have been helping others in bringing their visions to life. I truly love what I do for a living, and it motivates me to improve my abilities and become a better designer every day. My goal is to constantly bring the same enthusiasm and energy to any project I work on, no matter how large or small.

When I’m not designing, I prefer travelling, camping, adventure, and spending time with friends and family. Travelling allows me to experience the beauty of human connection, cultural differences, and the richness of global diversity, leaving a trail of wonderful memories in my wake.

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Graphics Designer

Through careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of design principles, I craft visuals that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also serve a strategic purpose. Whether it’s designing eye-catching logos, engaging social media graphics, or immersive website experiences, I aim to create visuals that resonate with audiences and drive meaningful connections.

Technical Proficiency
Attention to Detail

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